In this article, i’ll explain the current market value of Gulberg 1 Kanal Plot price range, its Location on Gulberg Masterplan, Current Market Value and Development status.
You can have the two options to buy One Kanal Plot in Gulberg,
If you want to buy a kanal residential plot on installments then go to the new installment deal of 2025 at
And, If you want to get One Kanal residential on Cash Price than see this article on
Furthermore, we have variety of residential plots available for sale in Gulberg Greens Islamabad.
You can contact us at +923334441068 / +923123333056
Plot series: 6000
Size: 1 Kanal (50 x 90) , 4500 Sq.ft, and 500 Sq.yd
Block: P
Location: Gulberg Residencia Islamabad
Development Status: Non-Develop
Best Residencial plot you can find in Islamabad